Australia’s Worst Buildings - A Call to Efficiency

The built environment is a huge source of emissions, and we are only measuring the very tip of the iceberg. 98% of office spaces aren’t rated at all by current energy and emissions standards.
This analysis of Australia’s worst buildings encourages Building owners to improve efficiency, and urges businesses to opt for higher performing offices and individuals to choose shopping centres and hotels based on their environmental impact, voting with their feet to motivate buildings owners to make improvements.


wreaking hvac on our planet - a report

Comfort is a bigger producer of CO2 emissions than all passenger vehicles, flights, and every country except China, producing 5,500,000,000 tonnes of CO2 each year, or 15% of global energy related emissions. It highlights the cyclical problem of climate change increasing air-conditioning demand, which then exacerbates the problem.

The HVAC sector has been a global blind spot for emissions, and this presents some positive solutions to tackle this growing issue.


Australia’s dig & ship obsession
- A Report

Australia's obsession to “dig and ship” is short-changing the country and slowly burying manufacturing. The Australian Government needs to adopt a “dig, make, then ship mentality and act urgently to save Australia’s most endangered industry.

This report covers the swift and absolute decline of the Australian manufacturing sector and simultaneous rise of the mining industry.



Analysing the language of climate change politics” – a report analysing every word spoken at the COP27 plenary sessions (40hrs of video and 230,000+ words).

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A brief review of refrigerants the HVAC industry has used in the past, and a look at the refrigerants likely to be used in this new decade, such as some of the emerging ultra-low GWP options.


100 Years at 6.7C

6.7°C / 44°F are such random numbers, and yet most buildings around the world are still designing their chilled water systems for their air-conditioning for these randomly specific numbers. Have you ever wondered why such a number is used? 

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